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Sammlung Gabrielson, Göteborg. Mit Beiträgen von Adolf Behne, Ludwig Hilberseimer, S. Friedländer-Mynona. / Erwerbungen 1922-23 Berlin.


Berlin, Albert Frisch, [?1924]. 23 x 21 cms. [14] pp. + 30 plates (one in colour) reproducing works by Baumeister, Bucholz, Chagall, Eggeling, Feininger, Itten, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Klee, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy, Schwitters, Segal, and others.


Sewn as issued, pictorial wrappers, fine. In a recent box.


The first, rare publication on Hjalmar Gabrielson's exceptional collection of avantgarde art compiled with the help of the Romanian painter Artur Segal who was a member of the Berlin November-Gruppe.

Sammlung Gabrielson, Göteborg

SKU: 305522
0,00 krPris

    Lorenz B. Hatt Konsthandel & Antikvariat

    Hägerstensvägen 141, 126 48 Hägersten (Aspudden, Stockholm) / tel. 0708-140888

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