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Stråle, Gustaf Holdo: Mariebergs historia och tillverkningar 1758-1788.


Stockholm, Ivar Haeggströms boktryckeri, 1880. 4:o. xii + 174; + 76 s. + 12 färglitograferade planscher.

Samtida blått helmarokängband med sparsam linjedekor i guld, ryggen förgylld i 6 fält inklusive skinnapplikationer i kontrasterande färg, helt guldsnitt, inre denteller, marmorerade för- & eftersättsblad. Ytterst svaga bruksspår.

(Rörstrands samling af fajans och porslin, 2.)




Stråle, Gustaf Holdo: Mariebergs historia och tillverkningar 1758-1788. [”The Produce of Marieberg 1758-1788”, in Swedish.]


Stockholm, Ivar Haeggströms boktryckeri, 1880. 4to. xii + 174; + 76 pp. + 12 coloured lithographed plates.

Contemporary full blue morocco gilt, spine gilt in 6 compartments with applications in contasting colours, all edges gilt, inner dentelles, marbled endleaves. 

(Rörstrands samling af fajans och porslin, 2.)

Marieberg pottery was produced on the island of Kungsholmen, not far from Stockholm, from about 1759 until 1788. In 1782 Marieberg was sold to its rival Rörstrand, and in 1788 it closed. The Marieberg factory was famous particularly for its faience (tin-glazed earthenware) and porcelain. Unlike Rörstrand, Marieberg faience from the very beginning used brilliant overglaze colours. One of its specialties was a marbled glaze in unusual colours such as black, blue, violet, red, yellow, and brown. Marieberg also produced a cream-coloured earthenware, or creamware, called Flintporslin, which closely resembled that of Wedgwood.

Marieberg 1758-1788

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