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Junius, Franciscus (the younger): De pictura veterum libri tres.


Amstelaedami (Amsterdam), apud Iohannem Blaeu, 1637. 4to. [xvi] + 318 pp.


Contemporary vellum with faint traces of handwritten title to top of spine. Insignificant soiling and wear, minute hole to front cover. Ownership initials of Germund Carl Cederhielm (1717-1789) in ink to front pastedown. An attractive copy.


First edition of Junius’ (1591-1677) important work, the first comprehensive overview of ancient writings on the visual arts, a cornerstone of classical art theories throughout Europe and of great importance for the Neoclassical movement.

The first edition was followed by Junius’ own translations into English (1638, ”On the Painting of the Ancients”) and Dutch (1641, ”De Schilder-konst der Oude begrepen in drie boecken”, with a readership of artists in mind). The book was praised by both Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony Van Dyck.

De pictura veterum, 1637

SKU: 301849
12 000,00 krPris

    Lorenz B. Hatt Konsthandel & Antikvariat

    Hägerstensvägen 141, 126 48 Hägersten (Aspudden, Stockholm) / tel. 0708-140888

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