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(Surville) - Forster, Johann Georg Adam: Franska capitainens och riddarens Jean François de Survilles upptäckts-resa i Söderhafvet. […] Öfversättning.


Nyköping, Joh. P. Hammarin, 1795. 8vo. 96 pp.

Contemporary half calf. Somewhat worn and scuffed, insignificant worming to gutter, but fine. Later bookplate (Ragnar Dahlberg).

Swedish version of Georg Forster’s ”Des Französischen Schiffkapitans J. F. de Surville’s Reise in das Sudmeer” (Magazin von Merkwürdigen Neuen Reisebeschreibungen, 17, 1793).

In 1769-70 De Surville undertook his famous Pacific expedition with the ship the Jean-Baptiste, with the intention to locate the fabled ”Davis Island” or an alternative southern continent, for trade purposes. ”Swedish version, anonymously translated and somewhat abridged by Carl Fr. Landell, of Forster’s edited version in German of some narratives of Jean Francois Marie de Surville’s voyage.” (Kroepelien 448).

Surville, 1795

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