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Ramond De Carbonnières, Louis François Elisabeth: Les dernières aventures du jeune d'Olban; fragment des amours alsaciennes.


[Yverdon, Imprimerie de la Société littéraire et typographique] 1777. 8vo. 104 pp.


Original paper boards, spine defective and crudely mended, fine internally despite very slight occasional spotting.


First edition, rare.


Louis François Élisabeth Ramond, baron de Carbonnières (1755-1827) was a French politician, geologist and botanist, and is regarded as one of the first explorers of the high mountains of the Pyrenees.


During his law studies at the university of his home town Strasbourg he befriended another student, Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz (1751-1792), a writer of the Sturm und Drang movement. During this period Ramond discovered German Romantic literature, in particular Goethe's Werther, which inspired him to become a writer and to publish the present very rare ittle Werther-influenced book, ”Les Dernières aventures du jeune d’Olban” (The Last Adventures of Young Olban).

Aventures du jeune d'Olban, 1777

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